Adventures in Potty Training: 5 Pro Tips for Post-Diaper Travel

Navigating the way from diapers to underwear is a journey every future wanderer must endure! And as parents to this little trailblazer, you’re probably super excited for what the next phase of childhood sans-diaper looks like. But travel and potty training is usually a combo that can make even the most adventurous parents take a step back.
July 1, 2024

Navigating the way from diapers to underwear is a journey every future wanderer must endure! And as parents to this little trailblazer, you’re probably super excited for what the next phase of childhood sans-diaper looks like.

But travel and potty training is usually a combo that can make even the most adventurous parents take a step back. The thought of venturing far from the comfort of your home turf might suddenly feel like tiptoeing through a minefield of potential accidents. It's not that you doubt your mini-me's newfound skills, but it’s that fear of unforeseen bathroom emergencies that can turn a dream vacation into a messy ordeal faster than you can say, "Are we there yet?"

So, before packing those suitcases and setting sail for adventure, let's explore some expert tips to ease those fears and hit the road with your newly potty-trained tot.

1. Bag of tricks!

Turn your old diaper bag into your new Potty Training Survival Kit! By packing essentials like a travel potty and/or seat insert, wipes, changes of clothes, absorbent cloths, wet/dry bags, hand sanitizer, and the rewards you’ve been using at home, you're essentially arming yourself with a toolkit for any potty-related emergency that comes your way.

You can even give your kiddo more ownership over their potty training process by putting the travel potty and some supplies in their WeePack! So, whether it's a mid-road trip pit stop or a cramped airplane bathroom, having everything you need at your fingertips can turn a potential meltdown moment into a mere blip on the radar. It's like insurance for your peace of mind, ensuring that you're prepared for whatever potty training adventure lies ahead.

Bonus tip: To avoid a potentially traumatic toilet experience, toss some sticky notes into your bag to cover the sensors on automatic flushing toilets so they don’t try to suck your already apprehensive toddler into the abyss while they’re sitting!

2. Practice using your travel potty at home first

Think of it like a dress rehearsal before the big show. Practicing using a travel potty before hitting the road or taking flight can work wonders in maintaining your child's potty training progress. It's like giving them a sneak peek into what to expect, easing any anxiety they might have about using a new toilet setup.

Plus, it gives you both a chance to troubleshoot any potential hiccups—like figuring out how to set up the travel potty in cramped airplane bathrooms or making sure it's securely positioned in the car. By familiarizing your little one with the travel potty beforehand, you're essentially smoothing out the bumps in the road (or sky!) and helping them feel more confident and prepared when nature calls on the go.

3. Seek out family restrooms at airports or tourist attractions

Family restrooms are like a little oasis of calm in the bustling world of public restrooms, especially for kids who are still getting the hang of this whole potty training thing. Picture this: instead of navigating through a sea of stalls and dodging hand dryers that sound like jet engines, you and your little one can waltz into a spacious family restroom that feels like your own private enclave.

There's room to breathe, to move around, and to tackle potty time without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Plus, having the privacy of a family restroom means less stress for parents too—you don't have to worry about keeping an eye on your kiddo while juggling bags and trying to avoid the chaos of a crowded restroom. It's a win-win for everyone involved and can make those travel potty breaks a whole lot smoother and more enjoyable.

4. Avoid using pull-ups “just in case”

Imagine this: you've been diligently working on potty training with your little one, celebrating every successful trip to the toilet like it's a mini victory parade. Then comes the inevitable long car ride or airplane journey, and suddenly the temptation to revert to pull-ups or diapers sneaks in like a stealthy ninja.

But hold on!

While it might seem like a convenient solution to avoid potential accidents, going back to diapers can actually confuse your kiddo's progress. It sends mixed signals about when and where it's okay to use the potty, potentially undoing all the hard work you've both put in.

Plus, it might delay their confidence in using the toilet independently. So, as tempting as it might be for the sake of convenience, sticking to the potty training routine even during travels is usually the better bet in the long run. If you’re really not feeling confident in your child’s potty abilities, try an absorbent cloth training pant instead of disposables.

This will feel more like the underwear your kiddo has grown used to but still offer some protection for accidents!

5. Plan for frequent bathroom breaks

The golden rule of potty training travel: expect the unexpected and add some extra time for those inevitable bathroom pit stops. You might not always know when you’ll be able to access a bathroom or a place to use the travel potty, so by factoring in extra time for frequent bathroom breaks, you're not just accounting for the time it takes to answer nature's call but also allowing time for accident eradication OR those precious moments of celebration when your little one nails it.

Traveling with small children can be stressful enough, let alone navigating public restrooms with a newly potty-trained kiddo, so a buffer for unexpected delays is always a wise move to keep everyone feeling relaxed instead of rushed. To normalize the process for your child and so they don’t feel singled out, it can help if you make pit stops a family affair where everyone in the group tries to use the potty at the same time.

So, whether you're gearing up for a cross-country road trip or braving a flight with your little one, armed with these tips, you're ready to tackle toddler travel like a true survivalist. From mastering the art of timing bathroom breaks to packing like a pro, remember that every journey is a new adventure filled with laughter, mishaps, and cherished memories —pee breaks and all. 

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